

+ Slate


Event Details

Date: Friday 10 November 2023

Doors: 7.30pm

Price: £10

Ages: 18+


Newcastle post-punk quintet dust are fast cementing their status as one of
Australias most singular and essential bands. Urgent, mesmeric, and arresting
both on and off the stage, the collective have wasted no time in ensuring that
their music and message reaches as far as it possibly can.

Forming against the backdrop of COVID in May 2020, the group – comprising
vocalists and guitarists Gabriel Stove and Justin Teale, bassist Liam Smith,
guitarist and saxophonist Adam Ridgway, and drummer Kye Cherry – gathered
whenever they could to hone their craft, performing at every possible chance as
they sharpened their sprawling yet intricate sound.

Having officially made their indelible mark upon the music scene by way of et
cetera, etc, the eight-track EP is a culmination of dust not just as people, but as
resonant artists.

Leaning heavily on themes of mortality, family, social commentary, et cetera, etc
arrives not just as an accomplished debut, but a vital addition to local music as a

Having received praise from both fans and music critics, as a sonic adventure,
their music has allowed the band to reach new audiences and expand their
fanbase already beyond the Australian roots already touring in the UK in April
and again returning this year in October, all the while touring across their full
country of Australia in under a year of performing live as the band.

Offering a contemporary take on Australian post-punk, along with elements of
experimental jazz and electronic music, dust has curated a sound that is as dark,
introspective, and angular as it is powerful and progressive. Together, they’re set
to provide Australian music with the sort of powerful jolt that will reverberate for
years to come.

As dust continues to evolve and explore new musical territories, Together,
they’re set to provide the world with the sort of powerful jolt that will reverberate
for years to come.

Also Featuring


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